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Hiking tours

Zertifikat Qualitaetsgastge

Hiking is the most popular outdoor activity in Germany. 34 million Germans hike in their free time and on vacation. Every second German citizen enjoys nature on foot. In addition to the particularly active “50 plus” generation, more and more younger people are also discovering hiking for themselves.

By maintaining and marking 190,000 km of hiking trails, German mountain and hiking clubs are laying the foundation for widespread hiking enjoyment, and Germany's attractive and varied landscapes make you want more.

Hiking is much more than exercise on foot:

Hiking is...
  • sports activity without pressure to perform.
  • relaxing and beneficial for body, mind and soul.
  • healthy for the heart, circulation, muscles, immune system and metabolism.
  • connecting in partnerships, circles of friends and clubs.
  • adventurous in nature
  • unique and valuable for everyone who consciously decides to have an active hiking experience.

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Hotel Café Mertens

Christian-Schütze Straße 1
D-33184 Altenbeken

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